City Council Minutes May 7, 2018 Regular Session

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; David Eady; Mike Ready; Jeff Wearing, and Sarah Davis.

OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; David Strickland, City Attorney; Hoyt Oliver, Teresa Welch, Cheryl Ready, Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent, Allyson Epps from Oxford College.

The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor

Invocation was delivered by Hoyt Oliver
Pledge of Allegiance – All

Motion was made by Mike Ready, seconded by Jeff Wearing to accept the Agenda for the May 7, 2018 Mayor and Council Regular Meeting. Motion passed 7/0.    (Attachment A)

Approved, 7/0.  (Attachment B)

Mayors Reports
Mayor Roseberry introduced Catherine Chastain-Elliott as the honorary councilmember for May and presented her with a Proclamation for her participation.  (Attachment C)

Mayor Roseberry signed a Proclamation for Municipal City Clerk Lauran Willis and Deputy City Clerk Stacey Mullen recognizing May 6th – 12th as Municipal Clerks Week.   (Attachment Da & Db)

Roseberry reported on the statistics of the Police Department.

Planning Commission Recommendations/Petitions

Citizens’ Concerns

Power Sales Contract Amendment
MEAG requested an amendment to the Power Sales Contract removing the language that requires MEAG to produce the Comprehensive Engineering Report.
A motion was made by Mike Ready, seconded by Jeff Wearing to approve the amended contract. Motion passed 7/0.   (Attachment E)

Sanitation Services
Councilmember Mike Ready explained the need to increase the Sanitation Service fee to $3.00 per cart, stating that with the $2.00 per cart increase from Latham Sanitation and with the added cost of disposing of the brush and limbs at the county landfill the increase is necessary to off-set the costs. 

A motion was made by Mike Ready, seconded by Jeff Wearing to approve the increase in sanitation service fees by $3.00 making the total for garbage pickup $23.00 per month per roll cart beginning July 1, 2018.  The motion passed 7/0.  (Attachment F)

George Street Park Parking
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented a revised estimate of $18,292 to add eight parking spaces with a handicap loading zone and a bike rack along Asbury Street at the Park. After discussion:

A motion was made by Jim Windham, seconded by Jeff Wearing to approve moving forward with the revised plans. The motion passed 7/0.

107 W. Clark Street Renovation Project
Councilmember Eady presented a report from the committee’s progress on Yarbrough House Renovation.  Eady made a recommendation to move forward with the priority work items as stated in his memo to Council on April 2, 2018 they are as follows: secure a General Contractor; stating the committee will have oversite of the project with the GC and the City Manager; identify potential tenants, and contract with a landscape architect to design the landscape around the formal gardens located on the property.

A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Windham to move forward with needed items as discussed. The motion passed 6/1 with Councilmember George Holt voting Nay.   (Attachment G)

FY2019 Operating Budget
The ad hoc operating budget committee (Councilmembers Ready, chair, Wearing, and Davis) presented a draft of the operating budget for FY2019.  There were no questions or comments. (Attachment H)

FY2019 Capital Budget
The ad hoc capital budget committee (Councilmembers Holt, chair, Eady, and Windham) presented a draft of the capital budget for FY2019.  Holt pointed out changes in the format where they have made it easy to track the projects and funding.  Windham request that the capital budget be placed on the work session agenda to discuss the sidewalk on Emory Street.  (Attachment I)

Invoice Approval

      INVOICES OVER $1,000.00





Blue Cross Blue Shield

Health Insurance Employees (5/1 – 6/1)


City of Oxford Utilities

City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on Richardson/107 W. Clark St. Utilities for (March)


City of Oxford Utilities

City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on Richardson/107 W. Clark St. Utilities for (April)


City of Covington

Quarterly Sewer Charges 


Georgia Municipal Association

GMEBS/Retirement Trust Fund (April 335202)


Georgia Municipal Association

GMEBS/Retirement Trust Fund (May 336621)


Latham Home Sanitation

Waste/Recyclables (March)


Latham Home Sanitation

Waste/Recyclables (April)


NC Board of Commissioners

Monthly water purchase for March Inv. 2401 


NC Water & Sewer Authority

Monthly sewer fees for 2/27/18 – 3/29/18


NC Water & Sewer Authority

Monthly sewer fees for 3/29/18 – 4/27/18



Monthly IT Services March Inv#9675



Monthly IT Services April Inv#9787


Southeastern Power Admin.

SEPA energy cost  (March) Inv. B-18-1523


                                                       PURCHASES/CONTRACT LABOR

Buford’s Tree, LLC.

Powerline Tree Trimming 3/24/18


Buford’s Tree, LLC.

Powerline Tree Trimming 3/31/18


Buford’s Tree, LLC.

Powerline Tree Trimming 4/7/18


Buford’s Tree, LLC.

Powerline Tree Trimming 4/14/18


Buford’s Tree, LLC.

Powerline Tree Trimming 4/21/18


C. David Strickland, P.C.

Legal Services for month of April



Uniforms/ Utility Department


Courtware Solutions Inc.

Monthly Licensing, Support & Maintenance March


Designed Installations by Jim

Speed Bump on Moore Street and Longstreet Circle


GSCCCA Fines and Fees Division

Consolidated Fines & Fees for Municipal Court - March



Postage for utilities/bollards for election/Elect Apprenticeship program and hotel for Johnathan/Deposits for Jody & Scottie GRWA Conference, etc.


NC Sheriff’s Office

Prisoner Board and Processing Fee’s (March Inv.31895)


NC Sheriff’s Office

Prisoner Board and Processing Fee’s (April Inv. 31898)



Temp services 2- men 40 hrs. Week ending 4/1/18



Temp services 2- men 40 hrs. Week ending 4/22/18


Utility Services Co., Inc.

Quarterly Tank Maintenance


Woco Pep Oil, Inc.

Fuel Charges for April 12, 2018  Inv-7930





Enviroprobe, LLC

Asbestos abatement & demolition of 6153 Emory house


Historical Concepts, LLC

Progress work on Strategic Investment Plan, E. Clark property plan and March 21, presentation in Oxford. 


Jordan Engineering

Correspondence with Historical Concepts re: floodplain mapping, Civil Plan, Asbury Park civil plans/Construction document prep; issue/Issue Sewer bid docs and respond to request from bidders/ Sewer bid documents contractor correspondence/RW data collection/Soule Street data, field coordination, data management, Recon Pins and flag – survey features.  


Sumner Meeker, LLC

Preparation for depositions, R & R, mileage, court reporter, Depositions for E. Clark Property – Inv. 10072


Motion made by Holt, seconded by Ready, to approve invoices. Motion passed 7/0.

Executive Session
A Motion made by Windham, seconded by Wearing to go into an Executive Session at 7:44 PM.

Attorney Strickland gave an update on Real Estate matters.

Council discussed Personnel matters.

A Motion was made by Windham, seconded by Ready to leave the Executive Session at 8:09 PM.

A Motion was made by Wearing, seconded by Ready to adjourn at 8:09 PM.

Respectfully Submitted;

Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk