
Garbage and Trash Collection

The City of Oxford provides curbside pick-up for garbage, trash, recyclable items, and yard debris. Particulars and limitations of this service appear below. Further specifications appear in the city ordinance.

The City provides a 95 gallon wheeled cart for each residence for household garbage and trash, refuse which must be bagged prior to placing it in the cart. The City of Oxford’s scheduled pick-up day is Tuesday.

The City also provides two recycle bins for each residence. Newspaper, recyclable plastics, steel, and aluminum cans may be recycled through this curbside service. The city no longer accepts glass. Residents can take their glass items to a recycling center. Because the landfill situation has become critical, all citizens are urged to recycle as many items as possible.  Recyclables are collected on Thursdays.

Residents are responsible for placing carts and bins at their curbsides no sooner than 7:00 p.m. the evening before the scheduled pick-up day. Likewise, residents are responsible for removing their own empty carts and bins promptly on the day of pick-up.

Litter along streets, roads, and highways has become an ugly blight on our whole society. We can all help tame this disease by picking up in our own neighborhoods at least. Litter gathered by citizens should be placed in garbage bags, which should then be deposited in the wheeled carts to await pick-up. If we all help, Oxford can be clean and beautiful.


Recycling Items


Regarding Trash Pick-up


Tuesday: Curbside Carts
Thursday: Recycle Bins