City Council Minutes November 5, 2018 Regular Session

PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Council members: George Holt; Jim Windham; Mike Ready; David Eady; Jeff Wearing, and Sarah Davis. Staff members present: City Manager Matt Pepper, City Clerk Lauran Willis, Utilities Assistant Scottie Croy, City Attorney David Strickland.

OTHERS PRESENT: Hoyt Oliver, Cheryl Ready, Nita Carson, Art and Laura Vinson, Judy Greer, Peggy Madden, Daryl Welch Reporter for the Covington News; Laura Gafnea, Director of Community Relations with Oxford College; Mike McQuade, Danielle Miller, James Johnson and Randy Simon with Oxford College.

1. The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor

2. Invocation was delivered by Hoyt Oliver
3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Approval of Agenda - Motion to approve – Holt – Second – Wearing, approved unanimous 7/0.

5. Consent Agenda - Approved unanimous 7/0.

6. Mayors Report
Mayor Roseberry announced that Chief Dave Harvey’s mother passed on Saturday, the visitation will be Wednesday from 5 – 7 and the Funeral will be Thursday at 1100 at Wages and Son’s funeral home at 1040 Main Street in Stone Mountain.
Mayor Roseberry said he visited with Mr. J.P. Godfrey on his birthday Friday, November 2, 2018 and presented him with a Proclamation, for his participation in many city functions over the past years and as recognition for his services to the City.
Mayor Roseberry said that he and City Manager Matt Pepper will be attending the Mayors Summit on Friday and Saturday, November 9th & 10th.
Roseberry announced the date scheduled for the employee and councils annual meeting and appreciation dinner is set for December 13th at the Blue Willow Inn at 7:00 PM. 

7. Planning Commission Recommendations/Petitions

8. Citizens Concern

9. Request from Oxford College to Make Landscape Improvements within the R-O-W.
    Motion to approve - Eady – second – Holt, approved unanimous 7/0.

10. Standby Capacity Charge

      Motion to remove all Standby Capacity Charges Eady – second – Holt. Revised motion to remove all
      Standby Capacity Charges for residential only – Eady – second – Holt, motion failed 4/3 with Eady, Holt,
      Windham vote yea, and Wearing, Davis, Ready and Roseberry vote nay.

11. Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
       Moved to work session.     

12. 107 W. Clark Street Renovation Project
       Moved to work session.

13. Uniforms Contract
       Motion to approve – Wearing – Second – Windham, approved unanimous 7/0.

14. Second Reading to Amend Code Section 40-536 – Livestock and Fowl
      Motion to approve – Eady – Second – Holt, approved unanimous 7/0.

15. Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG) – FY2019
       Motion to approve – Wearing – Second – Ready, approved unanimous 7/0.

16.  Invoice Approval

       Motion to approve - Ready – Second – Holt, approved unanimous 7/0.

17. Adjourn
       Motion to adjourn – Windham – Second – Davis, approved unanimous 7/0.

Items 4,5,9,10,13,14, and 15.

Respectfully Submitted;

Lauran Willis, MMC/FOA
City Clerk