Downtown Development Authority Meeting January 26 2021

MEMBERS: Mr. Brian Barnard, Chair; Mr. Mike Ready, Vice-Chair; Mr. Jonathan Eady, Ms. Danielle

Miller, Ms. Laura McCanless, and Mr. Art Vinson. Mr. Ray Wilson was absent.


STAFF: Michelle Middleton, Associate Clerk; Marcia Brooks, City Clerk; Matthew Pepper, City Manager

and DDA Secretary/Treasurer.


GUESTS: No guests were in attendance.


OPENING: At 7:02 PM, Mr. Barnard called the meeting to order.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded by Ms. Miller, the minutes for the

meetings held on October 27, 2020 and December 1, 2020 were approved. The vote was 6 – 0.


THE CITY GREENSPACE: The DDA continued their previous discussions on how to implement low-cost

capital improvements to help cultivate commercial activity on the city-owned greenspace. The DDA

focused on the city’s revival of the farmer’s market. The DDA reviewed their previous ideas for parking

including developing a designated parking area located off E. Clark Street. The DDA also discussed

approaching the City Council about receiving the deeds to the greenspace properties as part of the

process to implement the recommended capital improvements.

Mr. Barnard will develop the visual component for the proposal and Mr. Pepper will develop the written

description. The DDA will share the proposal with the Mayor and Council prior to the February 15th

Council Meeting.

Mr. Pepper introduced Michelle Middleton, the city’s new Associate Clerk. He explained that Ms.

Middleton will be responsible for managing the market’s operations. He stated that she would be

attending the next few DDA meetings as the city prepares for the opening of the market in the spring.


OTHER BUSINESS: Ms. Miller shared with the DDA that Oxford College is beginning work on a feasibility

study for the Forney Property (102 Pierce Street). Ms. Miller explained that the garden would be

preserved as part of the renovation of the home. Ms. McCanless asked whether Oxford College would

consider developing a botanical garden at the site. Ms. Miller responded that she would share that idea

with her team.


ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion of Mr. Vinson, seconded by Mr. Ready, the Authority adjourned the

meeting at 8:05 PM. The vote was 6 – 0.


Submitted by:

Matthew Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer