Weekly Update 01/20/2017

From Bob Schwartz, City Manager

Oxford Historical Cemetery Foundation – Rev. Tom Johnson wants you to know that City Council is invited to the annual meeting of the cemetery foundation on Sunday, February 12th at 2 PM in City Hall. We have attached a copy of the invitation letter.

Police Department – Lt. James Pilgrim has resigned effective February 6th. Please see the attached memo from Chief Harvey.

MLK Day of Service – On Monday, at least 40 of students from Oxford College worked with Mike Ready on George Street Park (cleaning up brush and mulching the trees), Beryl Budd on the city ROW and trails (pulling privet hedge) and Anderson Wright (picking up and removing junk) at the new Asbury Street park. We don’t have pictures of them working, but here are some of the results. They sure didn’t mind getting their hands dirty. Some of the rubbish they cleaned from Asbury Park looked like it had been there a long time. We sure appreciate their help.